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Yoga and The coronavirus

I first noticed unusual symptoms when I awakened in the middle of the night unable to breathe. Even though I was breathing, there was little oxygen exchange. This symptom felt similar to the symptoms of the SARS virus I suffered through in 2002 after returning from India. Now, in East Texas,...

Neuroscience shows that 50-year-olds can have the brains of 25-year-olds if they sit quietly and do nothing for 15 minut

Neuroscientist Sara Lazar found that people who practiced meditation had more gray matter in the part of the brain linked to decision-making and working memory: the frontal cortex. * While most people see their cortexes shrink as they age, 50-year-old meditators in the study had the same amount of gray matter as those half their age. * Participants in the study averaged about 27 minutes of the habit a day, but other studies suggest that you can see significant positive changes in just 15 minutes a day.

The Sexy Side of Mediation

"Practicing Meditation for a few years can help you to take a break from yourself. What a wonderful thing that is!" W. Nisker

The 'How' of Handstands

“I tell my....students that it takes more than yoga to keep a yogi healthy,” said Michelle. “It’s going to take perseverance too.”

Yoga Boosts Memory and Focus More than Exercise

The researchers found that cognitive performance on tests measuring memory and focus was significantly superior after the yoga practice as compared with both baseline and aerobic exercise.

The Science of Meditation

The benefits of meditation are now documented in this study. Amazing. Read it!

Reversing Early Onset Dementia

I'm an 81-year-old woman, former nurse, who has recently been diagnosed with early onset dementia. I still drive, cook, socialize and dress well. My concern is my diminishing short-term memory. I fail to recall friend’s names and I forget some appointments. My G.P. prescribed Aricept but the side effects (vomiting and diarrhea) were terrible. He then put me on the Exelon Patch but the results were similar....

A Response to the New York Times article

The NYT article on how yoga can hurt you has brought about quite a bit of healthy conversation regarding this subject. My own opinion is that nothing...that is, no sport, no activity...can hurt you. Example: I played NCAA Division I college football and got hurt pretty badly. I have competed in martial arts for over 30 years and sustained injuries. I have practiced yoga and have sustained injuries. But, I cannot blame football, karate, or yoga for my injuries. 'They' did not hurt me. I am the one responsible. In essence, I am the one who made the choice that resulted in injury. I cannot blame anyone or anything outside of me. For that matter, I do not even blame me. I only take responsibility for my decisions. ~Michael Sutton Read the article.

7 Yoga Poses to Relieve Cold & Flu Symptoms

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) Brings energy to the head and respiratory area; helps clear the sinuses. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rest your forearms on a chair seat. You can also place a blanket on the chair seat for extra padding. Hold two to five minutes.

Bug Busters

If you're already practicing yoga, it's likely your immune system is the better for it, but during the cold and flu season, taking a few herbs can further buttress your body against the seasonal onslaught of germs.

Cleansing & Building Methods

In my health consultations, I often talk about detoxing and cleansing. Some people immediately know what I am talking about while others get a perplexed look on their face. I think this is because we have grown up with such a 'take a pill (drug) for this problem' mentality that when it is suggested you do something for your self and by your self, or do something that seems so simple, it somehow seems backwards and unsophisticated, even third-worldish. So, here are some of my personal remedies.

Your Brain on Yoga

Check out the benefits that yoga has on the brain

30 Day Yoga Challenge

The idea of the Yoga Challenge is to deepen your practice and ultimately, get better by exploring commitment, consistency, curiosity, connection, community and the transformation you undergo as you practice yoga during a 30 day time period. To meet the Challenge, your requirement is to take as many classes as you can in 30 days without exceeding 30 classes. It's not about taking 40 classes, it's about consistency. Read more...

Yoga Proven Effective in Complementary Cancer Care

...preliminary studies examining the effects of Yoga among cancer patients and survivors support the efficacy of Yoga within cancer treatment regimens...

These Challenging (Opportunistic) Times

What long-time yoga practitioners have known, and science is affirming, is that...