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Are You Suffering from Sleep Debt?

Lack of sleep affects your mood and your performance. It makes it harder for you to concentrate, which means you’re not as productive at work. Sleep debt can make you irritable or depressed and otherwise affect your mood. You even age more quickly when you don’t get enough sleep.

Your Thoughts Do Influence Other People, Other Things

Not only does conscious intention affect individuals through what is called "remote influencing", when enough people get together and focus on one idea, it affects the social and psychological behaviour of entire cities and states. Mass meditation has been proven to even reduce crime rates...

History of Coffee Enema and Why It Works

The coffee enema was 'accidentally' introduced to soldiers during WWI...and with its use, they found relief from pain.

Coconut Oil

Proponents of coconut oil point to Weston Price's observations of the health and longevity of tropical populations that for centuries have regularly consumed large quantities of coconut and its oil. It is becoming more accepted that coconut oil has been unfairly caught up in the fat-fearing food fads of the past few years.

7 Yoga Poses to Relieve Cold & Flu Symptoms

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) Brings energy to the head and respiratory area; helps clear the sinuses. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rest your forearms on a chair seat. You can also place a blanket on the chair seat for extra padding. Hold two to five minutes.

Cleansing & Building Methods

In my health consultations, I often talk about detoxing and cleansing. Some people immediately know what I am talking about while others get a perplexed look on their face. I think this is because we have grown up with such a 'take a pill (drug) for this problem' mentality that when it is suggested you do something for your self and by your self, or do something that seems so simple, it somehow seems backwards and unsophisticated, even third-worldish. So, here are some of my personal remedies.

Your Brain on Yoga

Check out the benefits that yoga has on the brain

Food Cravings

When you are craving this food or that sweet or coffee or alcohol or ice and many more, this is why.

Coffee Enema

3 Tbsp organic, caffeinated Coffee in 5 cups distilled or RO (Reverse Osmosis) water. Bring above to boil for 3 minutes with lid off. Then simmer 15 minutes. Strain water. Cool water until warm or until appropriate for internal use.

Lack of Energy Causes Dis-ease

What we lack is energy! The simplest and most logical action at this point would be to find out which form of energy we are lacking and replenish it in order to bring our body back into balance. Duh!