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Gentle Yoga

08/24/2018 @ 12:00 pm - 01:15 pm
RSY Surya Room

Gentle Yoga is a supportive, unhurried practice designed to open the heart and rejuvenate the entire body. Emphasis is on loosening and strengthening the body gradually through a flow of gentle stretches and poses. A delight for those newer to yoga or anyone looking for a less vigorous, more soothing and restorative experience, this class focuses on:

  • Breathing and relaxation practices that reduce stress and quiet the mind
  • Simple stretches and rhythmic exercises to warm-up the body
  • Foundational yoga postures—gently moving into and out of a variety of poses and how to adapt poses to your abilities
Stefanie Simonetta
Photo of Stefanie  Simonetta

Stefanie, a recently retired high school French teacher, had the pleasure of taking students, family and friends to Europe with her. There they recognized the shared human experience with those of other cultures and realized that there are other ways in addition to the American Way. The exposure opened the eyes of many students as she witnessed a shift in attitude, a desire to explore more, and the possibilities of creating change.

Teaching and interacting with students of all ages has been her joy. Having spent 32 years in the classroom teaching French and 15+ years teaching body toning classes opened the door for Stefanie to find yoga.

When her mother was diagnosed with early on-set Alzheirmer's, she was devastated. She was a new mother faced with losing her own mother. Anxiety and depression became part of her world. She had tremendous support but finding personal strength and determination was very challenging. However, her teaching career and her two passions, an interest in healthy foods and daily exercise, provided the focus and the physical strength to continue. To this day, she has continued along these two avenues.

'Practicing Yoga as a way of life seems very natural to me. I see myself as connected to the philosophy of yoga and I am drawn to its guidance for living a joyful life.'

Certified as a 200-hour teacher, she looks forward to sharing her experiences with the students at Rising Sun Yoga.