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Hatha Yoga

06/15/2018 @ 09:30 am - 11:00 am
RSY Surya Room

Our Hatha Yoga classes offer a traditional practice at a moderate pace. Emphasis is placed on gaining proficiency in poses by strengthening exercises and deep stretching. Careful attention is given to alignment and finding proper variations so students of all levels can progress – achieving balance, stability and ease.

Hatha Yoga also teaches breathing techniques from proper diaphragmatic breath to more advanced pranayama. Working with the breath enlivens energy and soothes the nervous system.

Each class also includes a guided relaxation and meditation training.

Tracy Draksic
Photo of Tracy Draksic

Tracy Draksic, M.A.

Tracy began her formal study of yoga at the Himalayan Institute in 1998. After many years of hatha yoga practice, she began expanding her interests into yoga philosophy & psychology, meditation, and Sanskrit. She completed the Institute’s teacher training program and became a certified instructor in 2010. Many opportunities followed for further teacher education in Toronto, Hamilton, and Honesdale, PA. Tracy currently teaches at the Himalayan Institute of Buffalo and Rising Sun Yoga in Amherst. She received a B.A. in French Literature from Wells College and an M.A. in Linguistics from SUNY Buffalo. She teaches Sanskrit both as a course and in Yoga Teacher Training Programs.