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PCR Test

by Michael Sutton

Dr. Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery, stated numerous times that the PCR test should never be used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. In July of 1997, he stated that “with PCR, you can find almost anything in anybody….because any molecule can be amplified so that it becomes measurable.”

The PCR test is easily manipulated so that, on a molecular level, any genetic fragment can be over-cycled, resulting in a false positive. Knowing this, the CDC and the WHO controlled the number of COVID-19 cases reported by ordering the medical industry to increase or decrease at specified times the cycle threshold (CT).

For instance, in August of 2020, the NY Times reported that the CDC and the WHO were requesting the manipulation of the SARS-CoV-2 data. For example, a CT beyond 34 revolutions rarely detects live viruses, but does detect dead nucleotides that are not even contagious. So, at the direction of the CDC and the WHO, top labs around the world conducted tests at cycle thresholds (CT) of 40 or more. At such a high CT, anything tested for would be found…in this case SARS-CoV-2. The NY Times revealed that data from Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada revealed that 90% of those who tested positive for COVID-19 barely had any virus. 90%!! If the NY Times had taken the time to conduct research in every state, the same 90% results would have been found.

Interestingly, in May of 2021, the CDC changed the PCR cycle threshold from 40 to 28 or lower, but only for those who had been vaccinated. This one adjustment of the numbers allowed the vaccine pushers to praise the vaccines as a success. Why? Because at such a lower CT, no infectious disease can ever be found in the human body. So, by lowering the CT to 28 or lower, SARS-CoV-2 could never be detected.Voila! Therefore, the so-called vaccine* seemingly appeared to be the panacea for COVID-19 — a brilliant strategy by Fauci and company.

Celia Farber - researcher, biologist, President of Rethinking Aids, said: “if you cut [PCR testing] off at 20 cycles, everybody would be negative. If you cut off at 50, you have everybody positive.”

Dr Kary Mullis - in May of 1996 revealed that his invention had been abused by Dr. Fauci to falsify AIDS cases.

The Journal of Infection in August 2021 concluded: “In light of findings that more than half (50%-75%) of individuals with positive PCR test results are unlikely to be infectious, then PCR test positivity should not be taken as an accurate measure of SARS-CoV-2 incidence.”

*So-called vaccine - the mRNA operating system shot cannot legally be qualified as a vaccine because there is neither live nor dead viruses contained therein.
