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Dr. Ravi Explains How to Navigate Scientific Studies

by Ravi Kulasekere

The present day culture surrounding science is changing from one that should be discussed and put to the test for validity into one that has to be accepted without question. This is based on the belief that the experts know it all and that the people have no right to question and are therefore encouraged to just believe and accept.

It is no secret that special interests and corruption has crept into science that is widely being touted as gospel and used for policy making. We as consumers are left to wonder if these policies are made based on valid science and rigorous practices.

Also worthy of note is that the voice of natural health is conspicuously missing from any and all discussions that get labeled science. This is clearly worrisome for most people who work in the natural health field as well as those who depend on it for their own health. The following conversation I had recently with a health freedom group outlines some of the things we as citizen's need to pay attention to when "trusting" the experts because they may not be working in your best interests.

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Go to the 11 min 41 second mark to begin listening to the interview.

Categories Vaccines, Illness
