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Red Raspberry

This popular tea has earned the reputation of "herb-supreme" among pregnant women. According to folklore it can relieve almost any discomfort of pregnancy from morning sickness to leg cramps.


Yoga Boosts Memory and Focus More than Exercise

The researchers found that cognitive performance on tests measuring memory and focus was significantly superior after the yoga practice as compared with both baseline and aerobic exercise.


Female Suppositories

For women who have problems with cervical cancer and other diseases of the ovaries, uterus, and vagina, I suggest alternating between two different kinds of natural suppositories. One is just a simple insertion of a garlic clove. The other is an herbal suppository you can make at home.


Food Cravings

When you are craving this food or that sweet or coffee or alcohol or ice and many more, this is why.


Tips for Cooling the Heat

Summer will be here soon, but many women going through menopause are "feeling the heat" right now. Yes, we're talking about hot flashes, the most common symptoms of menopause.


Black Cohosh for Women's Health

Black cohosh relieves menopause symptoms efficiently. It's amazingly effective in short-term treatments for alleviating menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes. Black cohosh is a good alternative for HRT. Black cohosh can supply the needed hormones to avoid the estrogen loss in women. So, black cohosh has almost the same benefits as HRT but with significantly less expense.



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